Sunday, January 6, 2013

The city of Love - Paris

Bonjour, bonsoir, merci, chardonnay, au revoir, un, deux, trois.

That about sums up the French that I learned while in France.  I have to say, my good friend Alex did an amazing job helping me around the city that speaks a language I do not understand.  Even though both of us do not speak a great deal of French, we managed fairly well.

Our trip started off with a 2 hour bus ride and a 4 hour wait/nap in the Porto airport.  It's little things like these that I don't enjoy about traveling.  But when you arrive, and see that first view of the eiffel tower lit up in the night sky, the long trip is so worth it.

We were very fortunate to stay at my friend Alex's god-sister Ceci's apartment in Paris.  Situated on the 6th floor of an apartment building with no elevator her apartment couldn't have been more cute and french. She also lives next door to the actor who played prince louis on Gossip Girl.  We thought about knocking on his door, but didn't want to be creepy.  We did however hear him talking through the wall ;)

Instead of doing a play by play of our weekend I figure I will just cover all the amazing sights we saw.

1.) L'Opera

2.) Musée Du Louvre

3.) Christmas Markets

4.) Palais De Justice

5.) Centre Pompidou

6.) Notre Dame

7.) Shakespear & Company
8.) Jardin des Tuileries

9.) Institute de France
10.) Musée D`Orsay

11.) Avenue des Champs Élysées
12.) Arc De Triomphe
13.) Tour Eiffel

14.) Cimetiére du Pére Lachaise

15.) Pont de l’Archevêché 

16.) Moulin Rouge

17.) Sacre Ceur

18.) Montmartre

Paris was exceptional.  I can't even describe the ambiance that you feel as you walk through the streets. I would love to visit Paris again someday.  The city has so much to offer and is gorgeous, no matter what time of year.  =)

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