Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Museo Do Mar Vigo

The Adventure: 

I have now lived in Vigo for over 4 months, and I am surprised every day by a new discovery.  Today my roommate's boyfriend, Pablo, asked me if I wanted to go to the Museo Do Mar.  I had never heard of this museum before and had no idea it exsisted.  So, of course I hopped on the bandwagon, I'm always up for an adventure (at least almost always).  I figured since it wasn't raining it would be a good idea to walk.  Even though it was about an hour walk, I kept emphasizing to Pablo about how great it was that we were getting exercise and being outside.  He kept agreeing reluctantly until out of nowhere it started to hail.  That's right people.  Hail. In Vigo.  Pablo started running, grabbing the umbrella, and bolting down the street looking for cover.  Of course we were in an area where there were no building overhangs or any sort of shelter whatsoever.  I simple stood there and started laughing.  I couldn't believe it! Seriously.... Hail!?!?! Then I of course realized I was being pelted by ice and high tailed it looking for cover.  After about 10 minutes of running around in the hail, it stopped and the sun came out.  Vigo, you definitely have some crazy weather patterns.  I was hoping that living on the ocean I wouldn't have to deal with hail and snow!?  Anyways, after our bout with the hail, we pressed on, determined to make it to our destination, Museo Do Mar.  The closer we got to the coast, the stronger the wind was.  When we finally arrived at the museum we had a near Mary Poppins experience.

La aventura

He vivido en Vigo más de 4 meses, y estoy sorprendida cada día de un descubrimiento nuevo.  Hoy el novio de mi compañera de piso, Pablo, me preguntó si querría ir al Museo Do Mar.  Antes nunca había escuchado de este museo y no tenía ninguna idea de que existía.  Entonces, por supuesto me subo al carro.  Todo el tiempo estoy dispuesta a un reto (algunas veces).  Pensé que como no estaba lloviendo era una buena idea ir a caminar.  Aunque era un camino de un hora mas o menos, seguí enfatizando a Pablo de que era bueno el ejercicio y estar fuera de la casa.  Y el siguió recordando de mala gana hasta que de pronto empezó a granizar.  Es la verdad.  Granizar.  En Vigo.  Pablo empezó a correr con su paraguas y salió huyendo por la calle buscando un refugio.  Por supuesto estábamos en un área donde no hay edificios con colgantes o algún refugio.  Yo estaba en la calle riendome.  No lo creí! En Serio..... Granizo?  Después me di cuenta que el granizo me arrojaba y corrí a buscar refugio también.  10 minutos mas tarde de correr por el granizo, paró y hizo sol.  Vigo, es sabido que tiene un clima loco.  Estaba deseando que viviendo al lado del mar no hubiera granizo y nieve.  Aunque, después del aventura con el granizo, seguimos, determinados a llegar al destino, museo do mar.  Lo mas cerca a la costa, con un viento más fuerte.  Finalmente llegamos al museo con una experiencia similar a Mary Poppins. 

The Reward: 

The Museum was pretty neat.  I don't think Pablo was as impressed.  But I thought it was real cool.  We saw all sorts of boats, scuba suits, fishing equipment, and fish! It was really interesting to see the processes involved in the fishing industry that makes up Vigo.  The museum was filled with history of whale hunting, sardines, cod, octopus, and barnacle fishing.  It had the evolution of the fishing boats and even a small aquarium filled with fish, sharks, rays, anemones, and mussels.  And here's the best part... The Pictures! Disfruta!

El premio: 

El museo es muy bueno.  A Pablo no le impresionó, pero yo, pensé que era chulo.  Vimos muchos barcos, equipo de buceo, maquinas de pescar, y peces!  Era interesante el ver los procesos de la industria del pescado que está en Vigo.  El museo está lleno de historia de la caza de ballenas, sardinas, bacalau, pulpo, y percebes.  El museo tiene la evolución de los barcos de pesca y tambien un acuario pequeño lleno de peces, tiburones, rayas, anémonas y mejillones.  Y aqui es la parte mejor.... los fotos! Disfrútalas! 

The entrance to Museo Do Mar! 

One of the first diving suits ever! It was entirely made out of leather.  

La lluvia y El mar 

I was being blown away by the wind! 

King Crab - Largest crab I have ever seen! 

The Aquarium - this busy place was just zooming with fish! 
MUESO DO MAR - Click to check out the website! 

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