Monday, January 21, 2013

La Guia

My first weekend back we had some spectacular weather here in Vigo.  It felt almost like springtime.  Unfortunately since then we've had rain, rain and more rain.  But... es la vida.  I was fortuate enough to get out and about a little bit in order to experience the nice weather.  My roommate Beth and friend Alex and I decided to go check out a park in town that we hadn't ventured near yet.  We hopped on the bus and away we went.  The park is called "La Guia" meaning the guide.  This place was amazing.  Irish folks would go crazy with all the clovers.  I actually spent approx. 5 minutes seeing if I could search out a 4 leafer...... fail. The park sits atop a hill with trails leading through trees and greenery until you venture to the top where you find a an adorable quaint church. 

A monument for all of the soldiers that lost their lives during the fascist movement in Spain.  

What a view! It felt like Spring! This is the view atop La Guia.  To the right is Moana, where I teach school! 

The quaint little church at the top of La Guia.  

After our adventure to the top, we spotted a restaurant on the way down with a spectacular view.  We treated ourselves to a three kings lunch - Mussels, Calamari, tiramisu, and three chocolate cake.  


Calamari and Mussels

Three Layer Chocolate Cake


After our lunch we had a nice walk back home enjoying the amazing Springish weather we were experiencing.  Unfortunately that "spring" weather didn't last long, and Galicia is back to its rainy self.  

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