My School

CEIP Plurilingue Tirán 

Here is an update on my school! 

The school I teach at is called a Plurilingue, meaning subject areas are taught in multiple languages.  The three principle languages spoken at my school are Castellano (Spanish), Gallego (Galician), and Inglés (English).  

The school`s grade levels and ages are also set up differently.  Students have the opportunity to start school as early as age 3.  Depending on when your child turns 3.  As long as your child turns 3 years old before Jan. 1 of the next year, your child may enroll in our school.  This doesn`t come without some fine print.  For example, all children that start to attend school at 3 years old must be fully potty trained.  If not, the school reserves the right to deny education until the following year.  Since at 3 years old students are treated like a kindergarten classroom in the U.S., there is usually only 1 teacher in the classroom.  Because of this, the teacher does not have the time or the qualifications to be running around changing diapers and potty training.  If an accident occurs, the teacher may change them if they have time, if not, they can call the parent to come either change their child´s clothing or take them home.  I know some of you may be thinking this is absurd, but after seeing how everything works, it makes sense in my mind.  This rule is a motivation for parents to introduce potty training and leaves more time for the teacher to concentrate on constructive lessons and activities.  

The grade levels are set up as follows:

3 yrs old
4 & 5 yrs old
1 Curso (6&7 year olds) 
2 Curso (7&8 year olds) 
2 ciclo (8-10 year olds)
3 ciclo (10-12 year olds)

Our school day starts at 9:30am.  There are 3 classes before we have a break for "recreo".  
There isn`t a lunch break here.  Only a marienda(snack) break.  Students get a 30 minute recess and usually eat an apple, granola bar, or small sandwich that their parent packs from 12:00-12:30.  During this time teachers generally gather in the comedor (lunch room) for a coffee and cookie break.  After recreo there are  2 more class periods and the school day ends at 2:30.  Students do have the option to stay after school to eat lunch at 2:30.  Then, at 4 there are optional extracurricular activities.  These activities range from writing, to art, to music, to handball.  The students that stay and eat lunch in the comedor participate as well as students that return to school after eating lunch at home.  

As far as the English department in this school is concerned there is 1 full time English teacher, and 1 part time English teacher.  There are also 2 other classroom teachers that also speak and teach english integrated in their classrooms.  

Each grade level receives 2 classes of English per week, plus their Art classes are all instructed in English.  So far I have really loved teaching art.  

As far as my schedule goes, I teach 12 classes a week.  But in all actuality I am definitly at school helping out way more than 12 hours a week.  For Halloween I helped decorate and assemble our Halloween-Samain celebration and recently I have been preparing for our Christmas celebration on Dec 20th.  

To view my school´s website, CLICK HERE! 

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