Sunday, January 13, 2013

Año Nuevo

In Spain, the Christmas season doesn't end on Dec 25.  If I know Spaniards, they like holidays.  So of course there is New Years Eve/New Years.  They celebrate this holiday by getting together with friends and family in their homes.  And at midnight with each stroke of the clock, they attempt to eat 12 grapes, one with each chime of the new year.  If you are successful and finish all 12 grapes before the 12 chimes have finished, you are said to have good luck and look forward to a prosperous year ahead.

Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to witness first hand the tradition of eating the "lucky grapes" but I imagine it to be something like this video below.

I have been told that the hardest part is eating the grapes with seeds and all.  Most people just swallow the seeds and everything since they have only 12 strokes of the clock to eat all 12 grapes.  

Who knows, perhaps I will attempt this next new years! =)

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