Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Look

I would like to start this post off by apologizing to not only my faithful followers but to my blog.  It probably seems like I have forgotten about you both.  No, I have not forgotten, I have simply been very preoccupied.

First news is you may have noticed the new look.  I had a few people tell me that the font of my previous format was difficult to read.  Hopefully this has been improved.  If not, I love hearing feedback.  Let me know if you want to hear about something in particular that I'm experiencing.  Ask me anything.  I love hearing from you all! I thought this theme would be fitting because I do live in Galicia, in which it rains quite a bit.  For example, last week I experienced my first cyclone.  But I haven't really been able to tell the difference in the weather since then (other than less wind) since it has literally been raining for about 8 days straight now.

Next, I know you are probably all dying to hear about my trip to Paris.  The post is still in the works.  I have been crazy busy preparing for our christmas program at school, and came down with a nasty stomach bug over the weekend which left me not in the blogging mood.  Not to worry, I am feeling much better now.  The Christmas Program is tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening I'm homeward bound.  Since I am very excited for the holidays, and to seen many of you, I'm not sure if I will have a chance to blog in the next two weeks.

So, I am going on a blogcation.  (Blog+Vacation?)  The next ten days I hope to devote as much time as possible to friends, family and loved ones.  I am very excited to be home to eat some peanut butter, cheddar cheese, hotdishes, christmas cookies, and so much more.

I hope that this message finds all of you doing the same.  If there is one thing that I have learned while here, it is just how important family is.  No one should ever take that for granted.  And being thousands of miles away, I can say that I appreciate them a lot.  So Merry Christmas everyone.  I hope you all eat tons of great food, decorate some amazing cookies, appreciate all the gifts that you are fortunate enough to have this christmas season and remember to enjoy yourselves. =)

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and see you in 2013!! 

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