Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Beauty can truly be found where you'd least expect it.  I was able to see just another taste of the beauty that Galicia has to offer the other weekend.  Some of my co-workers invited me to go hiking with them on a Sunday, since clearly nothing else is going on on a Sunday.  So I headed across the Ría to Cangas to meet up with Marta, Alberto, Pilar, Rebeca and Romina.  After about a ten minute drive from Cangas we arrive at Monte do facho near the small town of Donón.  We hiked up this windy trail around the side of the mountain until we got to the top.  What a view.  Seriously I could have sat up there for hours.  At the top there is an entire village of celtic ruins spread all over the side of the hill and at the top, a replica has been erected.  We could also see all of Vigo, as well as the Ría de Pontevedra, Las islas cies, and las islas ons.  After our hike we decided to check out a beach that is the closest point of land to las islas cies.  The sun literally started to set while we were on the beach, could that be any more perfect¡?!   Well I´ll just let the pictures speak for themselves.  I was literally so in love with this place, I wish there was other ways to get there other than by car.

The trail to the top.  

Ruinas celtas.  

Las islas Ons.  

Marta, Pilar, Alberto and I 
What a view.  

Sun setting as we hiked down to the beach. 

Beautiful colors. 

And it sets over las islas cies.  

¡Mi favorita! Marta, Romina, y Rebeca.  

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