Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Playa de Samil

I know that I already posted, but I wanted to add a little something.  Check it out at the bottom!

Vamos a la PLAYA! 

Well even though many people have told me that the weather here is very rainy, this past weekend we were blessed with some amazing weather.  The sky was bright blue, very little wind and temperatures in the 70's.  Who couldn't ask for anything better? So a couple of other girls Siobhan and Alex, from my program , decided to venture to the outskirts of Vigo to find the playa (beach).  We packed a picnic lunch and headed out to master the Vigo bus system.  

(Photo courtesy of Alex Primiana) 

After a hefty 20 minute wait for the bus since it was the weekend, we finally made it to the beach! and it was gorgeous! We spent the rest of the afternoon with a bottle of wine, our picnic lunches, sun, sand, and great company.  

I just wanted to make a quick comment about the beaches here in Spain.  While most people in the states usually giggle and say in a hushed tone "you know the beaches in Spain are nude right?" This statement is very much false.  While there are designated beaches in Spain that are nude friendly, not all are.

I think the beaches here are great.  I love that the people here come out, young and old, in their swimsuits and enjoy the sunshine and water.  I think that it is awesome that people here seem to have a certain self-confidence about themselves and they are not embarrassed about their bodies.  This is the way they are, and they might as well enjoy themselves.

In the picture you can see some islands in the distance.  Those are Las Islas Cies.  This weekend was the last ferry to go see them, so hopefully this spring I will get the chance to go see these beautiful beaches.  

Here's a clip so you can get an idea of what the beaches are like! There was "beautiful" Spanish music playing in the background at a restaurant behind us and the waves were gorgeous! 

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