Thursday, October 25, 2012

One Month

I thought tonight I would get a quick update out there.  Some awesome things went down this week.  Firstly I got to watch my beloved Green Bay Packers play on Sunday, which was a great way to start out the week! So in honor, I spread my Packer Pride on monday by wearing my Packer gear to work!

Tuesday I stayed a littler later at work to hang up some Halloween decorations.  I took the barco (boat) back to Vigo.  The entire day had been rainy and thunderstorming.  And this was the view I got on my way home.  

Its just so amazing how here it can be pouring rain one minute and the next sunny and blue sky.  

Last Thursday I was surprised in my last ten minutes of school by a photographer and journalist.  They wanted to do a "little" writeup about me being at my school.  So, I sat down and talked with them for almost 30 minutes about life here, and how it is different than the United States.  I told them about how I really would like to practice my Castellano and learn about their culture.  The last 10 minutes of the interview a co-worker pokes his head in and says "Did she tell you about her farm of 400 cows!?" Needless to say, after that, my headline by my article states "The students were surprised when she talks about here farm of 400 cows." While I wanted to concentrate on how much I have learned and hope to learn, I have to say - GOT MILK? I'm pretty proud that I am the only person I've met so far from an agriculture background.  I'm hoping that I can share a lot of experiences of my life in the U.S. with everyone here.  

At school this week after the newspaper ran, I've had several students and parents whisper / say, "Look! It's the girl with 400 cows!" 

This is just a pretty fountain I found down by the port the other day on my walk home.  Thought I'd share.  

And Finally, Thank you Grandma Betty! I got my first piece of mail this last week! I was SO excited! 
It's hanging on my bulletin board.   

Tomorrow I will try to get some more food, lessons, and pictures of Pontevedra up for you to see! 


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