Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Porto, Portugal

This last weekend Cassondra and her roommates, Eleanor & Jackie, and I went to Porto, Portugal.  We took the bus from Vigo on a 2 1/2 hour ride to Portugal.  It was gorgeous! Porto is famous for its beautiful views of the Rio (River), surf beaches, beautiful monuments, and delicious food.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves from here on out.  
My first view of the Rio Douro in Porto.  Breathtaking. 

Me, with the beautiful view in the background! 
So gorgeous! Love the red roofs.  

The houses here have beautiful tiles of all colors on the front.  

These are just a couple examples (can you tell I love the blue and white the best?) 
This statue is in the Praço da Liberdade on Avenida  Dos Aliados.  The statue is of  Dom Pedro IV (Dom Pedro I), the first ruler of Brazil.  He was known as Dom Pedro the IV as a member of the royal family in Portugal until the country was invaded by French troops.  He and his family fled to Brazil, their largest territory where he became the first emperor of Brazil.  

Igreja de Sto Ildefonso.  This Roman Catholic church was built in 1739.  I think the most amazing part is the gorgeous tile-work on the front.  

Another shot from the Rio! 

This is the Catedral in Porto.  I feel like every big city has one, and they are all magnificent to look at.  

Oh just some ruins, hanging out in the metro....Wait? Are those ruins in the metro¡?Ç!?¡?#Ç¡!Ç?!¡Ç?

Jackie and Eleanor enjoying a refreshing Super Bock on the beach! 
"She Changes" sculpture in the middle of a roundabout by the beach.  

America! You´re out there somewhere. 

The Surf Beach.  It was a gorgeous day.  Not warm enough to go into the water, but that didn´t stop these surfing Portuguese.  

Jackie with the Sao Francisco Xavier behind her.  We didn´t take the time to go it, but apparently built in 1661, this fortress served as a naval defense for Portugal.  

Check out this surfer! Totally Rad DUDE!  
This reminded me of the story "The Little House" So cute! 

Eleanor, Me, Jackie, and Cassondra at the beach! 

El Rio Douro from the other side.  

The four of us at our wine tasting near the bodegas of Porto.  

I couldn´t pick one good view from the river.  This picture you can see the line of beautiful houses along the Cais da Ribeira.  

A glimpse into the Calem Bodega.  Look at all the wine! 
When in porto, do as the portoans do? Drink Port Wine! We went to a wine tasting where we had the opportunity to taste 5 different types of port wine.  My final evaluation, the longer it ages, really does make it taste better.  There was a wine sold at this place that was 5,000 Euro a bottle! The wine was good, but definitely not something to guzzle down.  Very sweet =) 

Cais da Ribeira.  There was a market on the street that day.  You can see all the umbrellas they have set up selling towels, jewelry, and much much more.  

My last piece of excitement.  This is the library where Harry Potter was filmed.  I didn´t get to go inside because it was closed when we got there, but I´m still very excited I got to take a peek inside.

Here´s a clip of some street music on the Cais da Ribeira! Enjoy!

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