Wednesday, October 31, 2012

MARCO Art Museum

As many of you may know, I can't pass up a good deal when I see it.  Especially when something free is involved.  My roommates boyfriend told me about this art museum on calle principe called MARCO.  It's a free art museum.  So Alex and I wandered on down there one day and decided to check it out.  
The art exhibit was on petroleum and its effects on the environment in Galicia.  

Alaska represented all the way from Vigo! 

This is used petroleum displayed on the floor.  There was a door handle placed inside it. 

Alex checking out the display of petroleum photography.  

These oil cans were circling in the center of the room.  Pretty cool.  

There were a lot more other interesting videos, displays, and pieces of art.  I couldn't possibly take it all in.  But I'm definitely glad I went and got a taste of something new.  I'll have to keep an eye open to see what else they put on display here!

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