Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Baiona - Spain

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...... And then he came back to Spain.  On his trip back on the trusty "Pinta" ship, the first city they landed in from the Americas was Baiona, Spain.  This means that the town of Baiona was the first town to hear news of the new world.

Baiona is situated a short bus ride away from Vigo, and some friends and I decided to visit.  It's a gorgeous city located right on the coast.  There is a massive fortress on a small peninsula right close to the water.  The beaches are gorgeous, and there is a towering statue of the Virgin Mary overlooking the city, the ocean, and las islas cies. Check out some of my pics from the trip!

This monument was one of the first sights we saw.  It commemorates the meeting of two worlds, the old and the new.  

Typical Galician boat.  Blue.

This is the actual anchor from the Pinta that sailed to America and back.  It is put on display along with the tiled plaque to the right showing Columbus' arrival into the port.  

Port and Mountains.  

Fishing in Galicia.

Monument to Alfonso IX that stands at the entrance to the Monterreal Fort.

Here is part of the Monteferreal Fort with the Atlantic Ocean in the background.  

Siobhan and Zoe having a picnic in Parque de A PALMA. 

This is a Herreo.  It is used as a grain bin or grain storage in the north of Spain.  It is definitely a symbol of Galicia.  For more info.... CLICK HERE!

This monument is called Virgen de la Roca.  It overlooks the town of Baiona

As you can see, her hands and face are made of white marble.

After explore Baiona's sights, we were wandering around town and stumbled upon this church with its doors wide open.

The church is called Santuario de Santa Liberata. 

The inside was gorgeous with gold details as you can see above.

And I'd just thought I'd end this post with my favorite flower =) 
I have fallen a bit behind on my blogging so I hope to get on it this week! Keep checking in to see what else I'm up to!


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