Monday, July 29, 2013

Home, Sweet Home - Hogar, Dulce Hogar

I know it has been a while since I have filled you all in on my adventures.  This past month has been very busy.  I have been working up a storm, moving into a new apartment,  preparing for the new year in my new classroom, and spending time with lots of friends and family.  

Yo se que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que os he contado de mis aventuras.  El mes pasado he estado muy ocupada.  Estaba trabajando mucho, mudando a mi nuevo piso, preparando para el año escolar en mi nueva aula, y pasando tiempo con muchos amigos y familiares.  

I finally found an apartment!  Through a bit of luck I found an amazing roommate.  She is another first year teacher who I'm sure will help me through all the challenges that come my way.  

Finalmente encontré un piso!  Con un poco de suerte encontré una compañera de piso fabulosa.  También es su primer año de ser profesora y estoy segura que nos ayudaremos con los retos de enseñar.  

Our newly carpeted 2 bedroom apartment is located only 3 blocks from the school I will be working at.  It also has a garage and a patio.  We feel very "adult" in this apartment.  

Nuestro nuevo piso de 2 dormitorios tiene nuevo alfombra y esta localizado 3 cuadras de mi escuela.  También tiene un garaje y patio.  Nosotras sentimos muy "mayor" en esté piso.  

I hope that I can take some before and after photos of my work-in-progress classroom and post them soon.  Until next time! 

Espero que pueda sacar unas fotos antes y después de mi aula en progreso y ponerlos aquí.  ¡Hasta la próxima! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Ciao! Buongiorno!

Oh Italy.  The land of pizza, pasta, fashion, wine, and so much more.  One day for sure I want to come back to this amazing place.  Since the weeks were winding down and I began to realize that I had only 7 weekends left, my friends Alex, Chris, and I began to set out on my last European adventure,  Italy.

The Duomo
Oh Italia.  La tierra de pizza, pasta, moda, vino, y mucho mas.  Estoy seguro que un dia quiero volver a este preciosa país.  Ya que las semanas eran limitas y yo di cuenta que solo tuve 7 fines de semanas, mis amigos Alex, Chris, y yo empezamos nuestro ultimo aventura europea, Italia.

My lovely travel companions - Alex and Chris =)
We hopped a cheap flight to Milan out of Santiago de Compostela and we were there.  Getting in fairly late we just barely made it on the last metro train and arrived at our hostel (with a detour at donor kebab for directions).

Saltamos un vuelo barato desde Santiago de Compostela a Milan y estabamos.  Llegando demasiado tarde casi perdimos el ultimo metro y llegamos al hostel (con un desvio en el donor kebab a preguntar para dirreciones).

The next day it was hot.  We set out on foot to explore Milan.  We saw the Duomo, Galeria de Vittorio Emanuele II, the endless shopping streets, Duomo Square, and decided to end our day with homemade Spaghetti in the hostel kitchen.
Galeria Vittorio Emanuele II

El proximo dia hizo mucho calor.  Fuimos andando a explorar Milano.  Vimos el Duomo, Galeria de Vittorio Emanuele II, los calles de compras, Plaza del Duomo y decidimos a terminar nuestro dia con espagueti casero en la cocina del hostel. 

Vineyards everywhere
While Milan was beautiful, I really didn't fall in love with Italy until we arrived at the Cinqueterre National Park.  This place is like small town Italy that you see in the movies.  Colorful houses, windy streets, the smell of pizza wafting through the air, and everyone being so friendly.  With a view of the sea from our window we decided we were in paradise.

Our city - Riomaggiore
Mientras Milano era bellísimo, no me gusto tantísimo hasta que llegamos al parque nacional Cinqueterre.  Este sitio es como el Italia que ves en películas.  Casas de colores, calles estrechos y curvados , el oler de pizza en el aire y todos muy amables en las calles.  Con una vista del mar de nuestro ventana decidimos estábamos en Paradiso.  
Wouldn't be in Italy without out a little Mama Mia Pizza!

Or Gelato

Over the next couple days in Riomaggiore (The name of the town we stayed in), we sat by the sea, relaxed, drank some Italian wine, and explored.  On the second to last day I set off to do a hike between two of the small towns in the national park.  One of the most beautiful views of my life.  All in all between the views, the sea, and the amazing food it was difficult to leave.
Hiking around Riomaggiore

Mediterranean Sea
Por las proximas días en Riomaggiore (como se llama el pueblo en que quedamos), nos sentimos al lado del mar, relajamos, bebimos vino Italiano y exploramos.  La segunda dia fui andando entre dos de los pueblos en el parque.  Uno de los vistas mas bonitas de mi vida.  Al final, entre las viastas del mar, y la comida increíble era difícil a volver a casa.  
The hiking trail signs

Vernazza - The city I hiked to

And I leave it with this spectacular view above Riomaggiore at night

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

It is days like today that make living abroad difficult.  While I was still able to enjoy a spectacular day with some amazing friends, the fact of the matter is I am missing Mother's day.  A special day to let moms know how important they are.  I'm sure my family went about the normal routine of Sunday morning church, brunch with family and late afternoon flower shopping.  While this is something I get to do almost every year, I still miss it very much.  So I just want my mom to know that today I'm thinking about you, missing you, and hoping you are thinking about me too. This morning I ran a 5K race with my school.  I may not be in as tip top shape as I am sure you are, I finished.  So hopefully we can book a few more races to actually do together this summer!  Love you, Miss you! Erin

Son dias como hoy que son difíciles a vivir fuera.  Mientras todavía estaba disfrutando un día espectacular con unos amigos increíbles, el facto es que estoy perdiendo el día de la madre.  Un día especial avisar a madres que son tantas importantes.  Estoy seguro que mi familia hicieron su rutina normal de esto festivo de misa por la mañana, almuerza con familia y van de compras para flores por la tarde.  Aunque este es algo que hago casi cada ano con mi familia, todavía lo echo de menos muchísimo.  Quiero decir que mami, hoy estoy pensando en ti, echando de menos en ti, y esperando que me piensas en mi también.  Hoy por la mañana corrí una carrera de 5K en mi colé.  Es posible que no soy en tanto forma como tu, pero lo termine.  Espero que podemos hacer unos mas carreras juntas este verano!  Te amo, Te echo de menos!  Erin

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Visits from Home

I had been waiting for April 1st since Christmas.  I had finished all the arrangements and made my way to the airport to pick up my Mom, Dad and Jonathan.  I could hardly contain my excitement.  After a long trip they looked pretty good.  If you don't remember from Minneapolis all the way to Vigo it is a minimum of 15 hours of travel.... minimum.  Depending on your flight route.

Ha estado esperando por el primer de abril desde la navidad.  He organizado todo y fui al aeropuerto a coger mi madre, padre y Jonathan.  No pude contener mi felicidad.  Después de un viaje largo se ven bastante bueno!  Si no recuerdas, el viaje desde Minneapolis a Vigo es un mínimo de 15 horas de viajar...... mínimo.  Dependiendo de los vuelos.  

The week I had with my parents and Jonathan was surreal.  We set out to see as much as possible and that we did.  At the beginning of the week my dad challenged me to wear him out.... I think I succeeded.  Our itenerary went a little like this:

La semana con mis padres y Jonathan me parece algo surrealista.  Intentamos a ver lo mas posible y lo hicimos.  Al principio de la semana mi padre me roto a cansarlo .... Pienso que tuvimos éxito.  Nuestro horario era como así:  

Day 1: Arrival - Cangas de Morrazo

Day 2: Park Castro in Vigo - Old Town Vigo - Supper O'Carrino

Day 3: Rent a Car- Visit School - Cambarro - Cambados

Day 4: Baiona (La Pinta Tour) - A Guarda Mountain - Tui Catedral - O Hio (Visit Pilar) - Donon Monte Facho

Day 5: Oporto Day Trip - Caves de Port Wine - Francesinha Sandwich - Movie Night (The Way)

Day 6: Reconquista in Vigo - Visited the Mercado - Shopping - Supper at Rosa's

Day 7: Santiago de Compostela Mass at the Cathedral

Day 8: Final day of shopping - Samil Beach - El Capitan Restaurant
Day 9: Said Goodbye =(

It was such a pleasure having my parents and Jonathan come visit me in Spain.  I hope that they learned a little bit and were able to see why I have fell in love with this amazing place.

Fue un placer a ver mis padres y Jonathan aquí en España.  Espero que aprendieron un poco y vieron porque me encanta a España tanto.  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Luxembourg-Brussels-Cologne-Frankfurt- Part 4

Frankfurt was our last leg in our 4 city Holy Week journey.  I had previously heard mixed reviews about this city.  Honestly I can say I didn't hate it.  Like every city in Europe, it has it's own style, feel, and ambiance.  We arrived at about midnight on the train and went straight to the hostel for some shut eye.  The next day we set out to see the city.  Unlike Cologne, Frankfurt actually has quite a skyline.  Being one of the centers for the European Union there are many office buildings and important political and business people in that area of town.  But not 4 blocks away from the tall skyscrapers and the modern buildings is the heart of the old town.  We walked around town enjoying the architecture and doing a little people watching.  Then Beth and I decided it would be another great idea to climb the cathedral tower.  After all it only costs 1 Euro.  =\  You would think I would have learned the day before, Erin + Heights = anxiety and fear.

After the tower we checked out the History Museum.  It was really cool to learn a little about the history and what important events took place in the city we were visiting.  The museum we went to had a very extensive collection along with many high tech videos and interactive areas for children!  After wandering around the museum for a couple hours we decided to check out the Dippimesse (Spring Fair).  We had been seeing posters around town and made the hike to the outskirts of town to see it.  It was a carnival, with a german twist of course.  Think your county fair only with bratwurst, crepes, beer, beer, and oh yeah.... some beer.

We wandered around checking out the carnival rides and the booths set up selling random odds n ends and parked ourselves in the beer tent.  The empty beer tent.  There we decided to start tasting the local drink, apfelwein.  A cider beer that was super good!

After the Dippimesse, we had a tidge of an adventure.  Instead of booking another night at our hostel we had a brilliant idea to stay up all night to save the money we would have paid for a bed because our bus to the airport left at 3am.  I would not ever in my life recommend this to anyone.  It always sounds easy when you are throwing the idea around.  I mean, staying up until 3am usually is no problem for me.  This was the longest night of my life.  Beth and I have both concluded that even though it sounds easy we never want to do this again.  That being said, Frankfurt was great.  We stayed up, caught our flight and had a blurry trip back to Vigo. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Luxembourg-Brussels-Cologne-Frankfurt - Part 3

After a bit of confusion about the train stations and a quick jog through the metro, Beth and I were on our way to Cologne.  This city was quite the mystery to me before arriving.  I had heard so many people say "You will love Cologne!" before coming, but they were right.  Cologne was pretty cool.  First off, the second you set foot in Germany you just sense the punctuality and organization of the country.  Trains are on time, with seating arrangements, and arrive to the city center with ease.  The people seemed to taller, and way more in a hurry(At least from what I'm used to).  

Once we arrived, we exited the train station to be absolutely awed by the massive cathedral standing in front of us.  Looking at our clocks we made the foolish decision to climb to the top of the cathedral with 30 minutes until closing.  Seems like an easy task, but after 530 something stairs with your backpack on your back, you realize just how stupid of a decision it was.  After a short panic attack due to a  fear of heights and about 5,000 calories later, we set off to explore the rest of the city.  Cologne is located on the Rhine River.  If you remember, a few weeks earlier I was in Basel, Switzerland which is also located on the Rhine.  It was pretty neat to see the same river in two different countries.  
 The Dom - Cathedral

View from the top! 

The next day we spent wandering around the city.  We walked across the lock bridge, went on top of the triangle to see the views of the city, walked through the old part of town and ended with a meal at the Früh am Dom.  There I got my hands on a delicious german bratwurst and cabbage.  The rest of the day Beth and I picked up a few Kolsch beers and walked around town waiting for our train to Frankfurt.  
Inside the Cathedral - Probably the most impressive stained glass I've ever seen.  

On the Rhine River

View from the Triangle

Lock Bridge - I think almost every major European city has one of these things.  

Add caption

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Luxembourg-Burssels-Cologne-Frankfurt- Part 2

Beth and I stayed in Brussels the longest.  We arrived in the night to this diverse city and after checking into our hostel (that was right next to the Godiva chocolate factory), we made our way to the hostel bar to try the famous belgium beer.  To our luck, the bartender was Spanish and we had a lovely time practicing my castellano.  The next morning we hit the town.  Riding the metro into the city center was like a mini experience in itself.  There were people of all races, all backgrounds, and speaking all languages on the train.  It was so exciting to hear all of the diversity co-exsisting in one society at once.

Subway in Brussels - I love how they are designed!

We headed straight towards the city center where we saw comic walls, mannekin pis statue, the chocolate museum, belgium waffle stands, and so much more.  After an interesting tour of the chocolate museum we headed off to the Parliamentarium, which is the heart of Europe.  The visitors center at the Parliamentarium was amazing.  I learned about the development and history of the European Union, which countries are involved and when they joined, some general information about political processes and also looked at some of the current leaders of the EU.  I can honestly say I have never been to a more high tech place with touch computer screens, personal headsets, and interactive features.  If anyone has the chance I would recommend it!
Mannekin Pis

Comic Walls

Belgium Waffles

I love the streets of Brussels

Chocolate Museum


Playing with Pablo Picasso at the Parlimentarium

Basilica in Brussels

We ended the day walking through the streets of Brussels, gazing at the basilica, and tasting a few beers at the hostal bar.  The next day was a rush.  We woke up early and headed out to see the Atomium, a great structure built for the World Fair in Brussels.  Then we hit the Godiva outlet store and raced through the daily flee market before hopping on a train to Cologne (Koln) Germany! 
Godiva Outlet Shop

Morning Flee Market

