Thursday, May 30, 2013


Ciao! Buongiorno!

Oh Italy.  The land of pizza, pasta, fashion, wine, and so much more.  One day for sure I want to come back to this amazing place.  Since the weeks were winding down and I began to realize that I had only 7 weekends left, my friends Alex, Chris, and I began to set out on my last European adventure,  Italy.

The Duomo
Oh Italia.  La tierra de pizza, pasta, moda, vino, y mucho mas.  Estoy seguro que un dia quiero volver a este preciosa país.  Ya que las semanas eran limitas y yo di cuenta que solo tuve 7 fines de semanas, mis amigos Alex, Chris, y yo empezamos nuestro ultimo aventura europea, Italia.

My lovely travel companions - Alex and Chris =)
We hopped a cheap flight to Milan out of Santiago de Compostela and we were there.  Getting in fairly late we just barely made it on the last metro train and arrived at our hostel (with a detour at donor kebab for directions).

Saltamos un vuelo barato desde Santiago de Compostela a Milan y estabamos.  Llegando demasiado tarde casi perdimos el ultimo metro y llegamos al hostel (con un desvio en el donor kebab a preguntar para dirreciones).

The next day it was hot.  We set out on foot to explore Milan.  We saw the Duomo, Galeria de Vittorio Emanuele II, the endless shopping streets, Duomo Square, and decided to end our day with homemade Spaghetti in the hostel kitchen.
Galeria Vittorio Emanuele II

El proximo dia hizo mucho calor.  Fuimos andando a explorar Milano.  Vimos el Duomo, Galeria de Vittorio Emanuele II, los calles de compras, Plaza del Duomo y decidimos a terminar nuestro dia con espagueti casero en la cocina del hostel. 

Vineyards everywhere
While Milan was beautiful, I really didn't fall in love with Italy until we arrived at the Cinqueterre National Park.  This place is like small town Italy that you see in the movies.  Colorful houses, windy streets, the smell of pizza wafting through the air, and everyone being so friendly.  With a view of the sea from our window we decided we were in paradise.

Our city - Riomaggiore
Mientras Milano era bellísimo, no me gusto tantísimo hasta que llegamos al parque nacional Cinqueterre.  Este sitio es como el Italia que ves en películas.  Casas de colores, calles estrechos y curvados , el oler de pizza en el aire y todos muy amables en las calles.  Con una vista del mar de nuestro ventana decidimos estábamos en Paradiso.  
Wouldn't be in Italy without out a little Mama Mia Pizza!

Or Gelato

Over the next couple days in Riomaggiore (The name of the town we stayed in), we sat by the sea, relaxed, drank some Italian wine, and explored.  On the second to last day I set off to do a hike between two of the small towns in the national park.  One of the most beautiful views of my life.  All in all between the views, the sea, and the amazing food it was difficult to leave.
Hiking around Riomaggiore

Mediterranean Sea
Por las proximas días en Riomaggiore (como se llama el pueblo en que quedamos), nos sentimos al lado del mar, relajamos, bebimos vino Italiano y exploramos.  La segunda dia fui andando entre dos de los pueblos en el parque.  Uno de los vistas mas bonitas de mi vida.  Al final, entre las viastas del mar, y la comida increíble era difícil a volver a casa.  
The hiking trail signs

Vernazza - The city I hiked to

And I leave it with this spectacular view above Riomaggiore at night

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