Sunday, April 28, 2013

Luxembourg-Brussels-Cologne-Frankfurt- Part 4

Frankfurt was our last leg in our 4 city Holy Week journey.  I had previously heard mixed reviews about this city.  Honestly I can say I didn't hate it.  Like every city in Europe, it has it's own style, feel, and ambiance.  We arrived at about midnight on the train and went straight to the hostel for some shut eye.  The next day we set out to see the city.  Unlike Cologne, Frankfurt actually has quite a skyline.  Being one of the centers for the European Union there are many office buildings and important political and business people in that area of town.  But not 4 blocks away from the tall skyscrapers and the modern buildings is the heart of the old town.  We walked around town enjoying the architecture and doing a little people watching.  Then Beth and I decided it would be another great idea to climb the cathedral tower.  After all it only costs 1 Euro.  =\  You would think I would have learned the day before, Erin + Heights = anxiety and fear.

After the tower we checked out the History Museum.  It was really cool to learn a little about the history and what important events took place in the city we were visiting.  The museum we went to had a very extensive collection along with many high tech videos and interactive areas for children!  After wandering around the museum for a couple hours we decided to check out the Dippimesse (Spring Fair).  We had been seeing posters around town and made the hike to the outskirts of town to see it.  It was a carnival, with a german twist of course.  Think your county fair only with bratwurst, crepes, beer, beer, and oh yeah.... some beer.

We wandered around checking out the carnival rides and the booths set up selling random odds n ends and parked ourselves in the beer tent.  The empty beer tent.  There we decided to start tasting the local drink, apfelwein.  A cider beer that was super good!

After the Dippimesse, we had a tidge of an adventure.  Instead of booking another night at our hostel we had a brilliant idea to stay up all night to save the money we would have paid for a bed because our bus to the airport left at 3am.  I would not ever in my life recommend this to anyone.  It always sounds easy when you are throwing the idea around.  I mean, staying up until 3am usually is no problem for me.  This was the longest night of my life.  Beth and I have both concluded that even though it sounds easy we never want to do this again.  That being said, Frankfurt was great.  We stayed up, caught our flight and had a blurry trip back to Vigo. 

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