Friday, April 12, 2013

Luxembourg-Brussels-Cologne-Frankfurt- Part 1

This will be one of a four part blog post.  In Spain during holy week, all schools are on vacation.  My roommate Beth and I took the opportunity to see some parts of Europe not yet explored by either of us. While it seems like we spent a ton of time in each of these places, Beth and I actually did something I like to call "Speed Traveling".  This meaning we didn't spend more than 48 hours in each place that we visited.  Our first stop was Luxembourg.

Esté blog post es el primero de cuatro.  Durante la Semana Santa en España, en las escuelas no hay clase.  Mi compañera de piso y yo usamos este oportunidad a ver algunas partes de Europa que todavía no habíamos visitado.  Mientras parece que pasamos mucho tiempo en cada sitio, en realidad Beth y yo hicimos algo que yo llamo "Speed Traveling".  Significa que no pasamos más de 48 horas en cada sitio que visitamos. La primera parada era Luxembourg.  

Luxembourg is a small country located in the middle of France, Germany and Belgium.  We arrived in the night to the town of just over 500,000 people to a clean and cozy hostel.  The next morning we had the luxury of our own personal tour guide through the city.  Beth has a friend of a friend that lives in Luxembourg and she agreed to give us a walking tour of the city.  We learned that Luxembourg is very different than Spain.  Most of the people that reside there are very wealthy.  We saw the city market, the cathedral, the Duke's city palace, the Viaduc, and much more.  We had a famous Luxembourgish hot chocolate in a break from the cold and visited the famous Casemates.   Towards the end of the day we headed off towards the train station.  Luckily we had booked an early train because due to rail issues, we waited well over two hours for our train to arrive.  Once on, we were off to Brussels!

Luxemburgo es un paìs pequeño localizado entre Francia, Alemania, y Bélgica.  Llegamos por la noche  a la ciudad, que tiene más de 500.000 personas, a un hostal limpio y cómodo.  Al día siguiente  conocimos la ciudad acompañadas de una guía local, la cual era amiga de una conocida de Beth que vive en Luxemburgo.  Aprendimos que Luxemburgo es muy diferente de España.  La mayoría de la gente que residen son ricos.  Vimos el mercado de la ciudad, la catedral, el palacio del Duque, el viaducto, y mucho más.  Tomamos el famoso chocolate caliente de Luxemburgo durante un descanso del frío y visitamos los famosos "Casemates".  Al final del día fuimos a la estación de tren.  Con suerte llegamos temprano porque había problemas con los trenes y esperamos durante 2 horas al tren para ir hasta Bruselas.  

In front of the Duke's palace

Our tour guide through Luxembourg

Hot Chocolate Spoons = Deliciousness
The river that runs through the center of town.  

View from the Casemates
City above, nature below.  
On our way to the train station 

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