Saturday, April 27, 2013

Luxembourg-Brussels-Cologne-Frankfurt - Part 3

After a bit of confusion about the train stations and a quick jog through the metro, Beth and I were on our way to Cologne.  This city was quite the mystery to me before arriving.  I had heard so many people say "You will love Cologne!" before coming, but they were right.  Cologne was pretty cool.  First off, the second you set foot in Germany you just sense the punctuality and organization of the country.  Trains are on time, with seating arrangements, and arrive to the city center with ease.  The people seemed to taller, and way more in a hurry(At least from what I'm used to).  

Once we arrived, we exited the train station to be absolutely awed by the massive cathedral standing in front of us.  Looking at our clocks we made the foolish decision to climb to the top of the cathedral with 30 minutes until closing.  Seems like an easy task, but after 530 something stairs with your backpack on your back, you realize just how stupid of a decision it was.  After a short panic attack due to a  fear of heights and about 5,000 calories later, we set off to explore the rest of the city.  Cologne is located on the Rhine River.  If you remember, a few weeks earlier I was in Basel, Switzerland which is also located on the Rhine.  It was pretty neat to see the same river in two different countries.  
 The Dom - Cathedral

View from the top! 

The next day we spent wandering around the city.  We walked across the lock bridge, went on top of the triangle to see the views of the city, walked through the old part of town and ended with a meal at the Früh am Dom.  There I got my hands on a delicious german bratwurst and cabbage.  The rest of the day Beth and I picked up a few Kolsch beers and walked around town waiting for our train to Frankfurt.  
Inside the Cathedral - Probably the most impressive stained glass I've ever seen.  

On the Rhine River

View from the Triangle

Lock Bridge - I think almost every major European city has one of these things.  

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