Thursday, April 25, 2013

Luxembourg-Burssels-Cologne-Frankfurt- Part 2

Beth and I stayed in Brussels the longest.  We arrived in the night to this diverse city and after checking into our hostel (that was right next to the Godiva chocolate factory), we made our way to the hostel bar to try the famous belgium beer.  To our luck, the bartender was Spanish and we had a lovely time practicing my castellano.  The next morning we hit the town.  Riding the metro into the city center was like a mini experience in itself.  There were people of all races, all backgrounds, and speaking all languages on the train.  It was so exciting to hear all of the diversity co-exsisting in one society at once.

Subway in Brussels - I love how they are designed!

We headed straight towards the city center where we saw comic walls, mannekin pis statue, the chocolate museum, belgium waffle stands, and so much more.  After an interesting tour of the chocolate museum we headed off to the Parliamentarium, which is the heart of Europe.  The visitors center at the Parliamentarium was amazing.  I learned about the development and history of the European Union, which countries are involved and when they joined, some general information about political processes and also looked at some of the current leaders of the EU.  I can honestly say I have never been to a more high tech place with touch computer screens, personal headsets, and interactive features.  If anyone has the chance I would recommend it!
Mannekin Pis

Comic Walls

Belgium Waffles

I love the streets of Brussels

Chocolate Museum


Playing with Pablo Picasso at the Parlimentarium

Basilica in Brussels

We ended the day walking through the streets of Brussels, gazing at the basilica, and tasting a few beers at the hostal bar.  The next day was a rush.  We woke up early and headed out to see the Atomium, a great structure built for the World Fair in Brussels.  Then we hit the Godiva outlet store and raced through the daily flee market before hopping on a train to Cologne (Koln) Germany! 
Godiva Outlet Shop

Morning Flee Market



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