Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I know I usually post about food under my food tab, but this was a really awesome experience.

So as you may have read in past posts I love pulpo here in Galicia.  So, my roommates and I decided it would be an adventure to make it ourselves.  I had heard things from other people saying it was fairly easy so I was excited to see how it was done.

Beth bought the pulpo and I got the wine.  Once Raquel was home from work we got our lesson.

Step 1: Purchase the puplo.  - We bought ours frozen, it seemed to work nicely.

Step 2: Defrost the puplo - Set the bag into cool water for a couple hours to thaw.  Then in a strainer, rinse with cool water to remove the excess ice.

Step 3:   Peel 4-5 whole potatoes.

Step 4: Boil water in a large pot.

Step 5: Once water is boiling, hold the pulpo above the water and dunk 3 times.  This is called asustar.  It shocks the octopus and it begins to curl its legs.  After three dunks drop into the water.

Step 6: Add the whole potatoes into the pot with the pulpo.
Step 7:  Once the potatoes are cooked all the way through, remove the pulpo and potatoes from heat, cut pulpo with a scissors into small pieces and cover with paprika and olive oil.  

¡Que Aprovecha!

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