Friday, March 22, 2013

Suiza - Switzerland

Even though I went on this trip about two weeks ago, it seems like yesterday.  My quick 4 day trip to Switzerland was one of my favorites so far.  I was able to meet some amazing people, seem some amazing sights and learn some amazing things.  Ok yes... it was AMAZING!

I was lucky to stay with a family friend while in Switzerland, Sabine.  Sabine and her son Vasco were great.  I was also able to meet some of their family and friends while staying in Basel.  Sabine took me on a Swiss roadtrip through Lucerne, Interlakken, Thun, and Berne (at night) and I made American Pancakes for Vasco in the morning!  I also spent a day exploring Basel and went out for supper and drinks with friend Naadiine!

I have decided I don't want to write too much so this sums up my Switzerland experience:
Alps. Mountains. Gorgeous. Alphorns. Lucerne. Boat Ride. Weggis. Interlakken.  Driving over the mountains.  Interlakken.  Lake Thun at Sunset.  Thun.  Raclett.  Swiss Cheese.  SWISS CHOCOLATE.  Basel.  Barfüsserplatz.  History Museum. Marktplatz Basel. Beyeler Foundation.  Hodler.  Munster.  Paddy's Irish Pub.  Rhine River.  Italian Food.  Firefighters. Dreiländereck, three countries' corner.  

Other than that, I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

Alphorn Workshop

Lake Lucerne

Boat ride to Weggis


Lucerne Bridges

Downtown Lucerne

Yes, the GPS actually looked like that! 

Driving over the mountains! 

Setting Sun

Lake Thun

Munster Cathedral

Basel Main Square - Barfüsserplatz

Beyeler Foundation- Art Museum

Rhine River

Mmmmm Chocolate 



Just happened to be a firefighter challenge going on...

3 Countries at once! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hiking in Galica

Galicia is a land covered in green.  Since it rains almost every day here you can imagine what a walk through the woods would look like.  The family that I teach private lessons to every week invited me on a walk through the woods that they do with a club every 2 weekends.

Galicia es una tierra verde.  Aun llueve casi cada dia aqui, puedes imaginar el verde en un camino por el bosque.  La familia que enseno clases particulares cada semana me invitaron a caminar por el campo con un club en que participan cada 2 fines de semanas.  

Early on a Sunday morning I headed to meet the family. Unfortunately the weather was not agreeing with our hiking plans, and decided to start raining.  We hopped on the bus and went to the Sendo da Rio Barragan.  Even though it rained all day, we hiked about 8km through the woods and had a blast.

El Domingo, temprano por la mañana, fui a quedar con la familia.  Desafortunadamente el tiempo no estaba de acuerdo con nuestros planes de caminar y decidió a llover.  Subimos el autobus y fuimos al Sendo da Río Barragan.  Aunque estaba lloviendo todo el día, caminamos 8 km mas o menos por el bosque y lo disfrutamos muchísimo! 

The signs that mark the trail

Río Barragán 

The group

Molinos de agua - Water Mills 

Galician Forest - Bosque de Galicia

Monday, March 11, 2013


Oreos.... ahem... I mean, Horreos.  Everywhere.  On a day trip with Zoe, Siobhan and Zapa we ventured to a small town on the Ría de Pontevedra with the most horreos in Galicia.  This quaint and pleasant town was adorable.  I've never seen such small whindy streets.  I don't think the photos do it justice.  But here it is... Enjoy!

Oreos... ahem.... quiero decir, horreos.  Por todas partes. En un viaje con Zoe, Siobhan, y Zapa fuimos a un pueblo pequeño en la ría de Pontevedra con más horreos en Galicia.  Este pintoresco y agradable pueblo era adorable.  Nunca he visto calles tan estrechitas y curvadas.  No hacen las fotos justicia.  Pero aquí esta.... Disfrutalo! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cies - Donón - Porriño

Last weekend I took the opportunity to explore some places closer to home, but that I hadn't experienced yet.

El fin de semana pasado, tuve la oportunidad de explorar algunos sitios cerca de mi casa, pero que todavía no había experimentado.  

The Cies Islands are known around here as the most beautiful beaches in the world.  Normally in the winter the boats that travel to and from these magnificent beaches are closed, but with a little luck my friend Brenna invited me on a free trip to the islands she received through her school.  Even though we weren't able to spend the entire day there, this place was gorgeous.  I have never seen such white sand and clear waters.  Check this place out! 

I cross this bridge every day on my way to work - Cruzo este puente cada día cuando voy a mi trabajo.  
Las islas cíes son conocidas aquí como una de las playas mas bonitas del mundo.  Usualmente en el invierno los barcos no viajan a estas playas magnificas pero con un poco de suerte, mi amiga Brenna me invitó a un viaje gratis a las islas por cortesía de su escuela.  Aunque no pasamos todo el día en las islas, este sitio era magnífico.  Nunca he visto playas tan blancas y aguas tan claras.  ¡Miralo! 

Since everyone back home is making snow angels........ Aun todo el mundo en casa estan haciendo angeles de nieve......  

Later that day, I met up with my friends Siobhan, Zapa, Zoe, Eloi, Beth, and German and we drove to Donón to hike to the top of the mountain there.  The views from the tops over look the Ría de Vigo, Ría de Pontevedra and the Islas Cies.  The sun was setting and the pictures are breathtaking.

Mas tarde, quedé con mis amigos Siobhan, Zapa, Zoe, Eloi, Beth, Germán y conducimos a Donón a caminar al pico de su monte.  Desde las vistas del pico se observan la Ría de Vigo, la ría de pontevedra y las islas cies.  El sol se pone y las fotos son increíbles.  

Islas Cies 

Siobhan with the Islas Cies

Photo Credit - Siobhan Johnson =) 

Photo Credit - Siobhan Johnson =) 

Photo Credit - Siobhan Johnson =) 

Photo Credit - Siobhan Johnson =) 

We ended the night with a trip to Porriño to meet a few new friends, have a drink and relax with some tapas.

Terminamos la noche con un viaje a Porriño para conocer gente nueva, tomar algo, y relajarnos mientras comimos unas tapas.