Friday, September 21, 2012

The Great Arrival

I´m here! After three grueling flights, three times stuffing my oversized (35lb) carry-on into the overhead compartment, and three times praying the flight attendants wouldn't say anything about it, I have arrived.  Overall I probably couldn't have asked for smoother flights.  The food was pretty good on our international flight.  There were no crying babies or mobs of chatty teenagers.  And we also were able to make it to all our flights on time.
Cassondra and I beginning our journey! 
Some funny things that happened on our trip. Once we arrived in Vigo, I went to the information booth to ask the man for a map.  I also asked him if the bus stopped on Rua Urzaiz.  Then i attempted to ask him, where are the stops (Paradas).  Instead, I asked him where the Prado was.  Needless to say he smiled, gave me a double take, asked ¿Prado? and then I realized what I had said.  Ops! He had still understood though thank goodness! =) 

Once settled into our hostel, Cassondra and I decided to go find a Cell Phone store to get our phones up and running.  We had to leave and come back 3 times because we kept forgetting things like, passports, money, and our phones! We may have been a tid bit overtired.  

This brings me to my final point.  If you are reading this, and you have a smartphone, I would like you to download the FREE app Viber.  It is free text messaging and phone calls through the internet.  It is the only way that you will able to keep in touch with me for the next 9 months.  So I hope you all add it so we can keep in touch! If you would like to add my number to your Viber contacts, it is..... 633229202.  

Also, check out my new posts on all the fun things I have eaten so far!  FOOD(Comida)

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