Wednesday, September 26, 2012

En Casa (Home)

That's right people.  I have FINALLY found an apartment.  WOOOOHOOOO!!!! The second I got the keys I had to hold myself back from jumping for joy and scaring the old guy who rent the place out to me.  After some pretty scary, dirty, drafty, expensive, and interesting visits to apartments I finally found one that was right in the city center, with two spanish girl roommates (the third room is still being looked at to be rented), clean, has internet, and was perfecto! The process was pretty intense.  I learned some pretty good lessons about apartment hunting in Spain though.

Lessons learned apartment hunting:

1.) Spaniards don't communicate by email.  Therefore if you are on a time crunch it is crucial that you have a cell phone and call them.

2.) Apartment websites don't remove apartments after they have been rented.  So if you see a place online and fall in LOVE with it.  There's a pretty good chance that is has been already rented.  That's why I had to start looking at the date the adds online were posted, and only look at the  most recent ones.

3.) No matter where your apartment will be, you will still have to walk a lot.  I had this intention of getting an apartment only in one particular neighborhood.  Welp people, its spain.  People here walk everywhere.  So it is normal to have to walk 20-30 minutes to places.

4.) Don't commit to the first apartment you see.  After looking at a second apartment, I thought, this isn't horrible.  I could live here.  Now looking back on it I'm SO glad I didn't commit to living with the crazy bird lady on the 4th floor of an apartment with no elevator.  =)

5.) Heat is essential. Even if the nice lady shows you an apartment and says that it isn't necessary.  I almost signed into an apartment with no heat.  After further consideration I decided that I wanted to feel comfortable and warm while I was here.

I am sure you are all just dying to find out what my place looks like.  Well I still need to get unpacked and then there will be pictures to come soon!

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