Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 1

Wowza.  I can't believe that it has only been a week guys.  It seems like I've been in Vigo for much longer.  I figured that now would be the time to look back on the week and fill you in on all the busy things that happened with apartment hunting, bank accounts, NIE cards, and adventures in general.

First off. I know you are all waiting to see my apartment.  I have a video made, but I am still working out some technical difficulties with uploading it onto my website.  I will keep working and post ASAP. =) Secondly, I think that apartment hunting in Spain has been a great experience for me.  Not in the fact that I was completely overwhelmed, and stressed about where I was going to live.  But in the fact that I got to practice so much spanish in the process that I can honestly say I have improved immensely just since I have arrived.  I moved into my apartment on Wednesday.  Did some shopping Thursday at the mall.  And then Friday, was a busy day...

Friday I woke up SUPER early at 7:30.  Now you may be thinking that isn't early at all.  Well to put it into perspective, when I woke up and stepped out onto my balcony to see what the weather was like, there were still people hanging around outside a bar down the street from the night before.  So yes. 7:30 am it is still dark and people are still enjoying their nightly festivities.

Anyways, I met another Auxiliar, Harris and we walked to the Comisaria (Police Station), to get my NIE card squared away.  Basically my visa is only good for 90 days.  And since I will probably be doing some traveling and going in and out of the country, I need to have a NIE (foreign resident card) card in order to re-enter Spain after those 90 days.  So we got there before the police station opened, waited in line, {I was number 009}, and finally got that whole thing taken care of.

Afterwards I figured I would head to the bank to get a bank account since i know had my NIE number.  Trouble is that they couldn't give me the actual ID card since that would take 45 days to get, so instead they gave me a slip of paper with my number on it and said this would work instead until then.  Well it didn't.  I had to go to three different banks, who all told me I had to have the actual ID card to open a bank account.  Finally at the last bank, NovaGalicia, I was able to get an account open by just using my passport with no extra fees.  (Whew)

All in all I feel like I had a pretty productive week. I have all the hard stuff squared away (Cell phone, Bank Account, Apartment, & NIE) and now I can concentrate on my teaching next week!

I'm really excited to get into the classroom and start teaching.  I can't wait to share with all of you the fun and exciting things about my school!

Until next time.


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Now that I am all settled in, here is my address (dirección) for all of you who´d like to send me yummy American sweets, postcards, letters or anything else that may desire you.  =)

Erin Weisenbeck
Calle Ecuador № 291o

C.P 36203 VIGO


But seriously don´t feel like you have to send me anything.  Hope everyone is having a 

fabulous Thursday! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

En Casa (Home)

That's right people.  I have FINALLY found an apartment.  WOOOOHOOOO!!!! The second I got the keys I had to hold myself back from jumping for joy and scaring the old guy who rent the place out to me.  After some pretty scary, dirty, drafty, expensive, and interesting visits to apartments I finally found one that was right in the city center, with two spanish girl roommates (the third room is still being looked at to be rented), clean, has internet, and was perfecto! The process was pretty intense.  I learned some pretty good lessons about apartment hunting in Spain though.

Lessons learned apartment hunting:

1.) Spaniards don't communicate by email.  Therefore if you are on a time crunch it is crucial that you have a cell phone and call them.

2.) Apartment websites don't remove apartments after they have been rented.  So if you see a place online and fall in LOVE with it.  There's a pretty good chance that is has been already rented.  That's why I had to start looking at the date the adds online were posted, and only look at the  most recent ones.

3.) No matter where your apartment will be, you will still have to walk a lot.  I had this intention of getting an apartment only in one particular neighborhood.  Welp people, its spain.  People here walk everywhere.  So it is normal to have to walk 20-30 minutes to places.

4.) Don't commit to the first apartment you see.  After looking at a second apartment, I thought, this isn't horrible.  I could live here.  Now looking back on it I'm SO glad I didn't commit to living with the crazy bird lady on the 4th floor of an apartment with no elevator.  =)

5.) Heat is essential. Even if the nice lady shows you an apartment and says that it isn't necessary.  I almost signed into an apartment with no heat.  After further consideration I decided that I wanted to feel comfortable and warm while I was here.

I am sure you are all just dying to find out what my place looks like.  Well I still need to get unpacked and then there will be pictures to come soon!

Monday, September 24, 2012

My First Video!!

So, this summer I decided to purchase a Flip video camera to take on my trip abroad with me.  I figure this will be a great way to show all you friends and family back home what people/places are like here in Spain, and while traveling in Europe.  Here is my first "try" at this.  Now I'm no professional, but here it is!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Great Arrival

I´m here! After three grueling flights, three times stuffing my oversized (35lb) carry-on into the overhead compartment, and three times praying the flight attendants wouldn't say anything about it, I have arrived.  Overall I probably couldn't have asked for smoother flights.  The food was pretty good on our international flight.  There were no crying babies or mobs of chatty teenagers.  And we also were able to make it to all our flights on time.
Cassondra and I beginning our journey! 
Some funny things that happened on our trip. Once we arrived in Vigo, I went to the information booth to ask the man for a map.  I also asked him if the bus stopped on Rua Urzaiz.  Then i attempted to ask him, where are the stops (Paradas).  Instead, I asked him where the Prado was.  Needless to say he smiled, gave me a double take, asked ¿Prado? and then I realized what I had said.  Ops! He had still understood though thank goodness! =) 

Once settled into our hostel, Cassondra and I decided to go find a Cell Phone store to get our phones up and running.  We had to leave and come back 3 times because we kept forgetting things like, passports, money, and our phones! We may have been a tid bit overtired.  

This brings me to my final point.  If you are reading this, and you have a smartphone, I would like you to download the FREE app Viber.  It is free text messaging and phone calls through the internet.  It is the only way that you will able to keep in touch with me for the next 9 months.  So I hope you all add it so we can keep in touch! If you would like to add my number to your Viber contacts, it is..... 633229202.  

Also, check out my new posts on all the fun things I have eaten so far!  FOOD(Comida)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Spain Sendoff

A big thanks to everyone who made it out last week in Winona, or came to my parents house for my Spain Sendoff.  It was really great to see so many friends and family there to support me on this amazing journey I'm about to start.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from the sendoff back home, here are a few tidbits from out and about with some great people! 

Shawnessy & Mike =) 

Me and Sarah! 

A great group of friends! 

Work ladies! Thanks for coming out! 

A great guy that stuck out all night after a long day of work ;) 

Me and Nathan! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Well the goal is to get all of this.....

Into these two suitcases...... 

Wish me luck! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Packing List

I have only two weeks left in the United States! In a bit of a panic mode I finally bought myself an unlocked iphone 4s so that I will have a way of communicating with home once I get to Spain.  I have also moved the majority of my things back home to my parents house, researched a bank to open an account with, began sorting my clothing for packing purposes (which seems like a daunting task), purchased a video camera and squared away my student loan paperwork.  The list seems to keep getting longer and longer of different things I need to remember before I leave....... I hope I'm not forgetting anything!

THE list: 

**Plane Ticket**
Spanish-English Dictionary
Computer & charger
Flip Video Camera
Important documents (Medical papers/background check) 
Camera (Canon and Sony) & chargers
1 Year supply of deodorant
Makeup (extra foundation/mascara/blush) 
Belts (brown/black)
Travel size Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash
1-2 favorite movies
List of important phone numbers

Winter coat
Lightweight jacket
Running shorts/shirts
2 pair skinny jeans
1 pair dress pants
4 dresses
Assorted tank tops
2 pair shorts
dress shirts
Patterned tights

Black boots
Brown boots
Running shoes
2 pair flip flops (black & brown) 


I hope I'm not forgetting anything!?!?

I think I need to take a few tips from this guy!